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UH Head Race
Sunday 2nd March 2025  09:45 & 11:45
Syon Park Pavilion - MAA (approximately 4400m)

Start order v4 published 1.3.25 
Results by time Results by category

Penalty for lateness 5 seconds for each minute late passing the start sign going upriver

Division 1 09:45 start
Division 2 11:45 start 



Championship (open)

Senior (less than average PRI 10)

It is expected most UH first boats will enter this category

Intermediate (less than average PRI 1)

Novice (beginner, two terms or less experience)

Boat classes:

Open and womens 8, 4+/x/-

Smaller boats at discretion of UH

26.2.23 2023 Results final

Please scroll through...

Information for Competitors
Start marshalling map and coxes' briefing notes
will be updated by Weds 26.2.25 

Coxes' briefing 2024

 Competitors information

Short course maps only if instructed

Start order 2025 

 2025 start order v4 published 1.3.25

excluding all junior and intermediate 4s due to fluvial flow

Information for Officials 

Race Day Information:
Short course contingency plan

Safety Information

Risk Assessment
Contingency plans
Maps, action plan, abandonment
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